How much energy can recycling plastic bottles conserve ?

QuestionsCategory: RecyclingHow much energy can recycling plastic bottles conserve ?
Joseph Mateen asked 7 years ago
How much energy can recycling plastic bottles conserve ?
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How much energy can recycling plastic bottles conserve ?
Majority of the plastic bottles today are made using PET Plastic. PET Plastics are classified with the plastic recycling code 1.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 7 years ago

Majority of the plastic bottles today are made using PET Plastic that is classified with the following symbol.

It is estimated that recycling 1 such PET plastic bottle can save conserve sufficient energy to run a 60W bulb for 6 hours.

This means, recycling 1 PET Plastic Bottle conserves = 60 Wh of energy.