How are the targets calculated for Plastic, E-waste and Batter waste EPR?

QuestionsCategory: EPRHow are the targets calculated for Plastic, E-waste and Batter waste EPR?
Subhir Nair asked 1 year ago
How are the targets calculated for Plastic, E-waste and Batter waste EPR?
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How are the targets calculated for Plastic, E-waste and Batter waste EPR?
Learn about the methodology behind calculating targets for Plastic, E-waste, and Battery waste Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs.
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1 Answers
Team GreenSutra Staff answered 1 year ago

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) auto-generates the target after the registered organization uploads the total quantity of plastic, e-waste, and battery waste on the portal.

For the year 2023–2024,

The recovery target for Plastic waste is 100%.
The recovery target for E-waste is 60%

Each type of battery, such as Portable, Automobile, Industrial, and Electric vehicle batteries, has a particular recovery target.

For year 2023-2024,

The recovery target for Automotive and Industrial batteries is 50%;

Whereas for Portable and Electric vehicles is 60%