Who is classified as bulk consumers in E-Waste EPR?

QuestionsCategory: EnvironmentWho is classified as bulk consumers in E-Waste EPR?
Anuj Trivedi asked 1 year ago



Who is classified as bulk consumers in E-Waste EPR?
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Who is classified as bulk consumers in E-Waste EPR?
Learn about the E-Waste Management Rules 2022 in India and the definition of a "Bulk Consumer" as per the MoEFCC.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra Staff answered 1 year ago

According to the E-Waste Management Rules 2022 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, a “Bulk Consumer” is any entity that used at least 1,000 units of electrical and electronic equipment within a specific financial year, includes e-retailer.