What does it mean if the vermicomposting bin begins to smell?

QuestionsCategory: CompostingWhat does it mean if the vermicomposting bin begins to smell?
Anil Verma asked 7 years ago
What does it mean if the vermicomposting bin beings to smell?
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What does it mean if the vermicomposting bin beings to smell?
Vermicomposting Bins are self contained ecosystems which can produce a constant supply of compost in ideal conditions. Change in the smell of the vermicomposting bin indicate some type of change in the composting process in this ecosystem.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 7 years ago
Smelling of a vermicomposting bins is an indicator that there is something wrong within bin.
Some of the common culprits for the smelling of vermicomposting bin are listed as below:
  • There is smelly food in the bin – Some food items do not smell pleasant while decomposing. Such food items can be removed from the bin.
  • It is too wet – This problem can be resolved by not adding any water or items with high percentage of water. It can also be resolved by increasing the dry bedding.
  • There is insufficient ventilation – This can be addressed by frequently mixing contents of the bin or by adding fresh bedding.
  • There are non-compostable elements in the bin – Some sources of food cannot be fed to the worms because they become rancid while decomposing.