What is Sustainable Construction?

QuestionsCategory: Green BuildingWhat is Sustainable Construction?
Gopal Sharma asked 6 years ago
What is Sustainable Construction?
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What is Sustainable Construction?
Sustainable construction is widely being adopted these days. It is suppose to help reduce the ill effects of construction on the environment.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 6 years ago

Sustainable Construction or Sustainable Construction Practices can be referred to construction practices that are environmentally responsible & resource efficient throughout the projects life-cycle.

These practices usually fulfill most of the following criteria:

  • Enhancement of local flaura and fauna
  • Effective and efficient use of resources
  • Measures for pollution reduction
  • Incorporation of renewable sources of energy

Know More about sustainable construction practices at : https://greensutra.in/sustainable-construction-practices/