Is there any place in Mumbai I can contact to give these plastics away?

QuestionsCategory: RecyclingIs there any place in Mumbai I can contact to give these plastics away?
Clinton Dsouza asked 6 years ago

I have a lot of plastic waste which I want to dispose off in an eco-friendly manner. i.e. I want it to be recycled. I am averse to the idea of disposing them off in dustbins.

Is there any place in Mumbai I can contact to give these plastics away?
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Is there any place in Mumbai I can contact to give these plastics away?
Plastic waste is increasing at an exponential rate all over the world. The only way to manage this is to recycle this waste.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 6 years ago

Plastic Waste is increasing at an exponential rate globally.

The only way to manage this is to recycle this waste.

We can help you dispose off your plastic waste by recycling it.

To know more,

Please schedule a call with us at 


You can get in touch with us at +91 8369129962


You can write to us at