What is meant by tilt angle of a solar panel?

QuestionsCategory: SolarWhat is meant by tilt angle of a solar panel?
Jaya Patil asked 5 years ago
What is meant by tilt angle of a solar panel?
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What is meant by tilt angle of a solar panel?
The tilt angle of a solar panel in a solar plant is important in order to produce solar power effectively and efficiently.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 5 years ago

The tilt angle of a solar panel in a solar plant is important in order to produce solar power effectively and efficiently.

Tilt Angle of a Solar Panel by Team GreenSutra | India

Technically the tilt angle of a solar panel can be referred to as the vertical angle made between the horizontal plane and the solar panel. It can also be referred to as elevation angle.