Are used beer bottles recycled or reused ?

QuestionsCategory: EPRAre used beer bottles recycled or reused ?
Niel Bhatt asked 6 years ago
Are used beer bottles recycled or reused ?
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Are used beer bottles recycled or reused ?
Used beer bottles are a significant part of the glass waste that gets accumulated everywhere. These are either recycled or reused.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 6 years ago

Used beer bottles are a significant part of the glass waste that gets accumulated everywhere.

As a part of solid waste management, these used bottles are either reused or recycled.

Because the process of recycling glass is more complex and expensive than compared to that of reusing glass, most of the times, used glass is reused.

On an average, a glass bottle can be reused around 15 to 20 times throughout its life cycle.