Can car tyres be recycled?

QuestionsCategory: RecyclingCan car tyres be recycled?
Rohit Bhuta asked 6 years ago
Can car tyres be recycled?
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Can car tyres be recycled?
Discarded tyres are a problematic source of waste. Every year, tyre waste keeps on increasing as approximately 1.5 billion tyres are discarded globally.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 6 years ago

While discarded tyres are a problematic source of waste, it is possible to recycle and re-purpose car tyres.

Recycled Tyres have applications for:

  • Road Construction
  • Septic Tanks
  • Building Foundations
  • Playground Mats
  • Automotive Parts
  • Other tyres

Re-purposed Tyres have applications like:

  • Decorative items for
    • Landscaping
    • Walkways
    • Trails
  • Safety Buffers