How is Carbon Footprint different from Water Footprint?

QuestionsCategory: Carbon FootprintHow is Carbon Footprint different from Water Footprint?
Akruti Singh asked 1 year ago
 How is Carbon Footprint different from Water Footprint?
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How is Carbon Footprint different from Water Footprint?
Learn about the interrelation between carbon footprint and water footprints, their impact on the environment & how it is influenced by human activities
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1 Answers
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Team GreenSutra Staff answered 1 year ago

Carbon Footprint (CF) measures the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) released into the atmosphere each year due to human activities. It is measured in terms of grams/kgs/tons of CO2 equivalent per unit time. For Carbon Footprint assessment types of GHGs (greenhouse gases) accounted for includes CO2, CH4, N2O etc.

Water Footprint (WF) is the measure of total amount of fresh water consumed or polluted either directly or indirectly by a consumer or producer. It is measured in terms of liters of water per unit time. For Water Footprint assessment blue, green and grey water is considered.

Entities for which the CF and WF is calculated are companies, individual consumers, industry sectors, products etc.