Is glue used in the hot glue gun biodegradable ?

QuestionsCategory: EnvironmentIs glue used in the hot glue gun biodegradable ?
Kajal Sethia asked 7 years ago
Is glue used in the hot glue gun biodegradable ?
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Is glue used in the hot glue gun biodegradable ?
Because of its versatility, hot glue gun is a popular choice for different types of applications at homes, schools and offices.
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1 Answers
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 7 years ago


Not all types of glues used in hot glue guns are biodegradable.

Glue used in Hot Glue Guns can be referred to as Hot Melt Adhesive. These are made using different chemicals or synthetically produced base materials. Biodegradability of such adhesives largely depends on the base materials which are used to develop them.

Most commonly used base materials used to make these glues are :

  • Polymers – (Most polymers are not biodegradable)
  • Resins – (Most polymers are not biodegradable)
  • Plasticizers- (Not biodegradable)

However, now-a-days, there are biodegradable hot melt adhesives also available.