What are some facilities where infectious waste can get generated?

QuestionsCategory: WasteWhat are some facilities where infectious waste can get generated?
Shakti Mohan asked 4 years ago
What are some facilities where infectious waste can get generated?
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What are some facilities where infectious waste can get generated?
Infectious waste is a sub category of hazardous waste. Such waste needs to be correctly collected and treated, Know more about it.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 4 years ago

Infectious waste can be considered as a sub-category of Hazardous Waste and or Bio-medical Waste.

Infectious waste can be referred to as waste that may cause spread of infections or infectious agents.

Infectious wastes are generated due to several reasons and at several different facilities.

Some facilities where infectious waste may be generated:

  • Pathology Labs
  • Doctors’ Clinic
  • Dentists’ Clinic
  • Nursing Homes
  • Mortuaries
  • Veterinary Facilities
  • Forensic Facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Other Medical Centers

Some quantities of infectious waste is also generated while the storage of infectious waste since while handling of this waste, adequate protective gear has to be used. Small quantities of infectious wastes can also generate from offices, schools, colleges, eateries and or residential set ups.

Additionally, infectious waste can also be generated at more facilities due to pandemics and epidemics. During such times, proper management and disposal of infectious waste plays a key role in containing, managing, controlling and eradicating such events.
