What gases cause Global Warming?

QuestionsCategory: Global WarmingWhat gases cause Global Warming?
Ronald Parker asked 5 years ago
What gases causes Global Warming
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What gases causes Global Warming
Global Warming is getting global attention due to its adverse effects on the planet. Find out what gases cause Global Warming.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 5 years ago

Global Warming is getting global attention due the adverse effects it has on planet earth.

Global warming has been greatly influenced by human activities that result in the emission of greenhouse gases.

Some of the gases that cause Global Warming are listed as follows:

Greenhouse GasChemical FormulaGlobal Warming PotentialAtmospheric Lifetime (years)
Carbon DioxideCO21100
Nitrous OxideN2O298114
Chlorofluorocarbon - 12CCl2F210,900100
Sulphur HexafluorideSF622,8003,200
Nitrogen TrifluorideNF317,200740