What is Greenwashing?

QuestionsCategory: SustainabilityWhat is Greenwashing?
Anil Bishnoi asked 1 day ago
What is Greenwashing
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What is Greenwashing
Uncover what is greenwashing. Learn and understand about the concept and practice of greenwashing and how to identify it.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 1 day ago

Greenwashing may be referred to as any practice or tatic that misrepresents, misleads, conceals by means of exaggerating, making vague, false or unsubstaintiated environmental claims about any product, solution or organization. The process of greenwashing may convey false impressions about the environmental impacts of products, solutions or organizations by omitting or hiding relevant information for the purposes of marketing or advertising .

It is also practiced by the use of misleading workds, symbols and or imagery that highlights or places emphasis on positive environmental aspects / impacts while downplaying or concealing the actual harmful attributes.