What is the process to be followed in case of rejection of application on the plastic EPR portal?

QuestionsCategory: EnvironmentWhat is the process to be followed in case of rejection of application on the plastic EPR portal?
Sanhita Aggarwal asked 2 years ago
What is the process to be followed in case of rejection of application on the plastic EPR portal?
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What is the process to be followed in case of rejection of application on the plastic EPR portal?
Know more about the essential steps to reapply for EPR Registration after the application is rejected on the plastic EPR portal. Follow the guidelines for a successful resubmission.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra Staff answered 2 years ago

As per the guidelines notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in case of rejection of application, the applicant must submit a new application on the portal using the same login information and pay the application fees in accordance with SOP mentioned. 

The application fees per application on Plastic EPR portal is:

For PIBOs (Producer, Importer and Brand Owner)

Sr. No Plastic Waste Generation (TPA)  Application Fees (Rs.)
1 < 1000 10000
2 1000- 10000 20000
3 >10000 50000

For PWPs (Plastic Waste Processors)

Sr. No Processing capacity Slab (TPA)  Application Fees (Rs.)
1 < 200 5000
2 200 and < 2000 20000
3 >2000 50000