What steps are involved in the recycling of lithium batteries ?

QuestionsCategory: RecyclingWhat steps are involved in the recycling of lithium batteries ?
Megha Mehta asked 7 years ago
What steps are involved in the recycling of lithium batteries
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What steps are involved in the recycling of lithium batteries
Lithium batteries are most widely used because of their versatility and cannot be disposed or recycled in standard formats.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 7 years ago

All modern electronics and electrical systems prefer the use of lithium batteries as a power source.

Lithium batteries are classified as hazardous waste and cannot be disposed with regular waste.

Recycling lithium batteries is incredibly complex and expensive. The following steps are involved in their recycling:

  • Step 1: Collection & Reception of used lithium batteries
  • Step 2: Segregation and Sorting
  • Step 3: Burning of flammable electrolytes
  • Step 4: Neutralization of hazardous components
  • Step 5: Smelting of metallic components
  • Step 6: Extraction of metals like lithium, aluminum, high value metals
  • Step 7: Refining & purification of recovered materials
  • Step 8: Reusing of recovered materials