Which industries are causing the most plastic pollution?

QuestionsCategory: PollutionWhich industries are causing the most plastic pollution?
Joe Cheetham asked 6 years ago
Which industries are causing the most plastic pollution?
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Which industries are causing the most plastic pollution?
Ever increasing plastic pollution is a serious threat to the environment. It is very important to identify the major causes of plastic pollution.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 6 years ago

There are no specific industries that can be listed as major contributors for plastic pollution.

But to name a few, the following industries come at the top of the lists:

  • The Packaging Industry
  • The Fishing Industry
  • The Disposables Industry

Know more about major causes plastic pollution at https://greensutra.in/question/what-are-the-major-causes-of-plastic-pollution/