What is Battery Waste EPR?

QuestionsCategory: EnvironmentWhat is Battery Waste EPR?
Judith Lopes asked 1 year ago
What is Battery Waste EPR?
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What is Battery Waste EPR?
Learn about Battery Waste EPR, what it means and who is subject to it as per Battery Waste Management (BWM) Rules 2022 introduced by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
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1 Answers
Team GreenSutra Staff answered 1 year ago

According to Battery Waste Management (BWM) Rules 2022 introduced by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Producers, Manufacturers, Importers, Recyclers, and Refurbishers must meet certain collection and recycling targets for the batteries they introduce to the market to fulfill their Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations