What is a Carbon Footprint?

QuestionsCategory: Global WarmingWhat is a Carbon Footprint?
Sachin Patil asked 7 years ago
What is a Carbon Footprint ?
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What is a Carbon Footprint ?
Carbon Footprint is a physical measure of things contributing to the greenhouse effect or global warming caused by human activities.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 7 years ago

Carbon Footprint is a physical measure of products and by-products contributing to greenhouse gases produced directly or indirectly by human activities. It is called “Carbon Footprint” because it is expressed in equivalent tones of carbon or carbon-dioxide over a period of a year.
You can learn more about it at : https://greensutra.in/greenpedia/carbon-footprint/
You can also estimate your own carbon footprint at : https://greensutra.in/greenpedia/carbon-footprint/carbon-footprint-estimator/