What is CBAM Registry?

QuestionsCategory: Carbon FootprintWhat is CBAM Registry?
Cynthia Remo asked 3 months ago
What is CBAM Registry?
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What is CBAM Registry?
Discover what the CBAM Registry is and how it affects the different businesses eligible under the compliance.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra® Staff answered 3 months ago

Under the regulatory compliance of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), the regulators of the European Union (EU) have developed a digital web based registry to:

  1. Facilitate collection and disclsoure of data
    1. Regarding Eligble CBAM Goods
    2. Regarding of Installations and its operators
    3. Regarding Sepecific Embedded Emissions (SEE) of eligbile products being imported from Non EU countries.
  2. Share data and communicate with respective
    1. National Competant Authorities
    2. Customs Authorities.

This registry is referred to as the CBAM Registry.