Who is Battery Waste EPR applicable to?

QuestionsCategory: EPRWho is Battery Waste EPR applicable to?
Atharva Hadkar asked 1 year ago
Who is Battery-Waste EPR applicable to?
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Who is Battery-Waste EPR applicable to?
Learn about the Battery Waste EPR and its applicability on entities as per the Battery Waste Management Rules 2022.
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Team GreenSutra Staff answered 1 year ago

Battery Waste Management Rules published on 22 August 2022 define the eligibility of entities on whom the Battery Waste EPR is applicable on.

The following entities fall under the applicability of Battery Waste EPR:

  • Producer
  • Importers (comes under the definition of Producer)
  • Manufacturers of Battery
  • Recyclers and Refurbishers